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Writer's pictureEliza

I'm not ready.

Restrictions are lifting! HOORAY!!! Right? Then why do I feel so anxious about everything?

Could it be that I am not quite ready to leave my bubble?

This week I head back to work and Frankie is back in childcare which will be great for both of us. I know this is a positive and I know that restrictions lifting is a positive but I still feel like I'm really not ready. Yep...I'm that person is anyone else with me?

Hibernation has totally reset my way of thinking and my priorities. Dean and Frankie are my everything. I do this for them to ensure both their safety and the safety of others, especially those who are at high risk. I needed to slow down and listen to my body! I have spent years rushing from one thing to the next. I have been able to get myself to a place of healthy rituals that fill my cup. I don't want to get bogged down in the old BS that used to consume me. The beauty of this is I won't. I know what to do now to stop my mind from going there.

5 people in your home, 10 people total in public gatherings.

Want to catch up? Sure you do but your mind is racing and not necessarily trusting that your people are on the same page. Don't be afraid to talk to them about it.

A few of my house rules (feel free to use):

I don't want to hug or kiss you right now...Soz! It's nothing personal, I just don't know where you've been or who you've come into contact with 😂

I also don't want you hugging or kissing my daughter right now - no offense. I love y'all but I need these boundaries right now to move forward.

You are so welcome in my home, just take your shoes off, wash your hands, and maintain a safe distance for now. This is only temporary! Being in the same space is still awesome, can we be cool with that?

*See pic to the left, I'm a poet and I didn't know it.*

Is anyone else struggling to talk to people in person right now? 9 weeks of facetime and houseparty makes me socially inept with face to face contact which is both hilarious and concerning.

For those who have a different set of guidelines, I respect that. Everyone is different and everyone is coping with this in their own way. We haven't gone through anything like this before and now we are all adjusting to our new normal.

Be kind and be respectful to all those you come into contact with and if they don't understand that's ok, they are probably going through something you have no knowledge of.

I hope those who read this stick to their guns &hope this gives you the courage to do whatever it is you need to do to feel ok.

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Debbie Keyter
Debbie Keyter

Eliza, this is awesome! I'm definitely feeling every word of this! Proud of you for being honest and speaking what so many of us are feeling ❤️ you're amazing!

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