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Lockdown Series Part I: Jess

Oh hey all, we're in lockdown again! This time around instead of dwelling on the news I am focusing on those around me both in my neighbourhood and beyond. I want to share stories and connect with people on a different level. Can I walk in their shoes for a beat, see how are they doing and see if I can do anything to help?

Why aren't we talking and sharing our feelings more?

Talking about our feelings especially in the current climate is so important and to be honest, I don't think it's done enough. Lockdowns affect everyone differently. I notice people in my life going radio silent and I also see the flipside of people reaching out more.

I hope you enjoy this series. It's something I have always wanted to do and lockdown (or hibernation as me and a mate like to call it) seems like the right time.

Part 1 is with the lovely Jess Flynn. She's a Geelong local, a hairdresser who runs a successful business from home and is opening her own salon in September.

She has a beautiful young family and is honestly a breath of fresh air. She's all about making people feel good and supports her community fiercely which I LOVE! I was very keen to hear her perspective and also know a little bit more about how she was doing behind the hair.

Here's what she had to say...

How are you coping with each lockdown that presents itself?

My feelings vary with each lockdown, as we find ourselves in lockdown number 5 I am increasingly angry at the lack of support from the state and federal government. I am very PRO lockdowns and see that they are necessary for controlling the spread of covid but I am quite dumbfounded that after all this time there is no simple answer or options in the way of relief/support packages. I run a small business, a hair salon that I run from home. I, unfortunately, did not receive one cent from lockdown number 4 because I am not registered for GST. You need to be earning 75k to qualify. In my opinion, it makes me feel like I am a micro-business, a micro-business in which working 25+ hours a week to support my family of 4 is not seen as small. We are totally overlooked.

My thoughts often wander to families who may both run a business and work crazy hours to ensure they produce an income to feed their families, to send the kids to child care and or school, to pay for swimming lessons. When government leaders drop statements such as, "it's only one week's income lost" makes my blood boil because so many families work week to week to pay the bills and live week to week. So to recap, I am angry at the lack of support!

In what ways have you had to adapt your business?

I have learned to adapt in many ways. I am a bit of a control freak and never like to cancel or shuffle my clients around. I still have to remind myself daily and my husband Liam is also great in putting it into perspective for me, that it's out of my control. When we go into snap lockdowns I usually give myself till the end of the day or even sit down the next day, open up my diary and contact each person to rearrange the next available appointment time. My clients are so amazing and supportive when it comes to understanding the situation.

I have embraced that social media plays such a huge role in our everyday lives, so I try to step out of my comfort zone and post videos and content on my hair page. It may be about explaining products, demonstrating a blow wave, or giving basic makeup tips. I believe it makes it personable and makes the clients feel they can attempt some home hairstyling and makeup on their own and feel good about themselves!

I will also post about being able to purchase hair care products from me, this means the clients get to have some hair pampering during lockdowns and it might bring me a small income in that period.

What mantra/intention are you focusing on during your time at home?

During the lockdowns more recently I have remained focused on filling up my energy tank. No pressure on getting up and dressed for the day, I am sleeping in longer, having a coffee or 2 in bed, using the at-home days to not set an alarm! I enjoy getting out to exercise and getting fresh air!

The kids are homeschooling. Harriet is in prep and Oliver is in grade 2 and I am much more relaxed about getting their work done. Lockdowns are only temporary and as long as we are spending some time outdoors altogether or maybe in the kitchen helping me cook then I see it as a bonding time rather than forcing long hours of school work on them! I am much better at picking my battles. I have also treated this lockdown as preparation time for launching my own salon in a few short months on Pakington Street. I am ensuring my vision comes to life.

I’ve seen you advocating supporting local business in Geelong which I love and am doing as much as possible - How can we help you?

I know it sounds so cliche but I really do love where I live and think the "shop and support" local culture in Geelong is only getting more and more amazing! I would much prefer seeing my spending go towards the little guys. I would rather get my coffee from my fave spots on the weekend such as The Fox and the Hen, or Soft cafe. I would rather purchase my wine from Union cellars. I want to buy my flowers from Miss Petal & co. I am one of the small guys and when clients new and existing purchases from me, it genuinely makes my day! I also love connecting with clients in these times via socials. No hair product question is too silly! I am always happy to help!

Anything else you’d like to share about your thoughts or feelings at this time?

Lockdowns have taught us all to slow down and be thankful for where we do live. To check-in with our friends and family to make sure that we are all doing ok.


Thank you Jess for sending through your words and your experience. I loved reading this and how even though times are bloody hard for small businesses right now you are still so positive! You can follow Jess on insta @enviethesalon

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