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Writer's pictureEliza

The Lockdown Series Part II: Cassy

Welcome back to Part 2!

There is a bit of a Vic Vs NSW vibe at the moment. You can sense it even when you aren't reading about it. I mean you've seen the Gladys TIKTOK...

Call me crazy but at times like these shouldn't we be unified as a nation not pointing the finger? We need to try harder. I thought I would share a conversation I had with my good friend Cassy. Cassy wears many hats. She's a business coach, a graphic designer, a boy mum, and an all-around legend with a side of kickass. We met and became best mates from day one. She lives in Sydney and is going through what Victorians have already been through yes, but do you remember how you felt at the start? It's hard. It's heavy and navigating the new normal is strange to say the least. A conversation between us is always one that is fueled by support and love for one another. And definitely not one that is defined by postcode.

How do you feel that you are now in hard lockdown?

How I feel changes often but mostly it felt like we had more clarity for a minute... which was comforting. Better than what we had a few weeks ago which I refer to as mock down.

What mantra/intention are you focusing on during your time at home?

In the beginning, I was reminding myself... I am safe, I am healthy, I am OK. That's what I needed to remember whenever I felt the anxiety rising. Now it's... this is a rollercoaster, be kind, be gentle and don't force the feelings. Then I add... stop overthinking and clean out the damn fridge.

How do you feel you are adapting to hibernation?

I love that word hibernation... because that's how I'd rather feel than 'locked down' I realised once I stopped thinking about what I should be, could be, oughta be doing I am not only absolutely fine but I seem to get even more done. I am playing tricks with myself. Declaring - I'm doing fuck all today - means I actually get more done. I noticed it and now it's my new favourite hack. But I mean it. I intend to chill and letting myself off the hook seems to open up space to breathe and get shit done! Pressure gone, naps accepted. Quite an awesome way to live!

You said that "covid is actually the enemy here" to me this couldn't be more true - do you want to elaborate on that? How do you feel about the hard feelings between the states?

I literally woke up this morning with - we are all in this together - in my head... and not the cheesy song on the ad. Haha! If we stop looking at ways to take each other down and who to blame I think we can be better at being a community and making each other feel good rather than freaked out. We need to remember we are all doing our best and it's the virus that's the enemy not each other! Easy when a particular state goes into covid crisis all I want to do is send them love - the politicians need to lead the way in this & not be taking shots at each other, that's poor leadership and poor mate-ship and Australia can do better than that!

Cassy's "Hibernation Hobbies"

Yoga (via Livestream & drinking wine out of my teacup - which they may think is tea).

Sleeping often.

Random urges to cook that I have NEVER experienced before!!! Finding the perfect mixer for vodka (I've found it BTW)

Online shopping - putting everything in my cart but not checking out - it's the new window shopping.

Watching Ridiculousness on MTV. Could not get through this without Rob, Steelo & Chanel West Coast. Haha!!


There you have it, Cass is a force to be reckoned with and it seems that lockdown or 'hibernation' hasn't changed her sense of humour and positive nature. Love ya mate!

We may be Eliza = Vic, Cass = NSW but in our hearts, it's the same vibe.

You can follow Cass on insta here: @casscrouch

Be kind always xo

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